29 September 2016

David Ivo Hey-Cunningham 8/5/50 - 28/9/16

David passed away peacefully this morning. There will be no funeral as David donated his body to Sydney University for medical research.

In lieu of flowers, contributions to the BezCan project would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be made via the BezCan website.

Thank you for all your love, prayers, concern and support. It has been a very special time for us as together we said goodbye to David.

We have many wonderful memories and thankful hearts for a life well lived.


  1. The Thompson family have had the pleasure and benefit of David and Barbara's friendship since 1988 when we moved to Petersham and joined Petersham Baptist Church. Thank you for the contributions that you made to us, and to so many others. It was such a pleasure to see you pour your many talents and your ability to bring out the best of a team of people in BezCan. RIP DHC. Our condolences to Barbara and family.

  2. Sorry to hear this news. I still miss trying out coffee with David in and around glebe. Lots and lots of love to Barbara from myself and Emily.

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  5. Barbara, I am very saddened to hear about your loss. Though not unexpected, it still hurts. I am glad that David and you shared a lunch with me at The Grandstand after 30 odd years which allowed me to reminisce the fondness and respect I had for David for his great and patient mentoring during my term at Arthur Young.
    Please accept with my greatest respect and condolence to the Hey-Cunningham household. May he rest in peace.
