20 March 2014

Closing Our Business

On January 31, 1991 we celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary, our youngest started school and I left EY (Ernst & Young).  On 1 February we began our own business, David Hey-Cunningham & Associates Pty Limited.  As we drove looking for office furniture, I remember saying to Barbara that I felt uneasy about having left a secure wage behind and starting our own business.

Now, 23 years later, we have decided to close the business due to my health situation.  I feel that with a statistical maximum of three years left, I would like to have more free time.  My outward focus will be The BezCan Project.  We have already taken action, cancelling insurance policies, our business telephone line (calls diverted to our domestic line for three months) and now officially informing you.

We have much to be thankful for as our business has enabled us to invest in the future as well as live day-to-day.  I have worked extensively overseas with many fantastic people and clients.  In particular, there are three people I want to thank:
  • John Peacock who was a champion from the beginning: Terrapinn was a major client on three lengthy associations over the years much of it was international;
  • Michael Strickland who was involved in legal continuing education and used my services and promoted some of my own seminars; and
  • Ken Everett who has been my business mentor, providing invaluable help in the first few years as we struggled to get going.
There have been lots of clients: law firms, governments, not for profits and commercial.  Two professional associations stand out: the former Securities Institute of Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  Both institutions ran or run excellent education programs for their members and work in close collaboration with the consultants and trainers they use.  I have many friends from both institutions.  In recent years, Company Directors has been my main client and I will miss working with them greatly.

Lunching with Akiko and Ken, Crows Nest (Sydney suburb), August 2011


  1. Congrats on 23 successful years. All the best for the future as you battle cancer and contribute through the BezCam project and in other ways. You are making a marvelous contribution to the life of the planet. Thank you!

  2. As a friend as well as a recipient of your business and professional advice to my current employer, I am very grateful for the work you have done. Twenty three successful years going it alone is a great achievement.

  3. David,
    You are very kind to cite me as a mentor. The truth of course, as you know, was you were my first associate (or affiliate as we called you). You were #1 helper in proving my business model. Boy! Was I lucky. I celebrate how our friendship has grown, and with our wives and families too. A toast to David Hey-Cunningham and Associates....and her brave, hard-working and successful founder!
