06 August 2011


Between chemo rounds this time, our main activity was a four-day trip to Tamworth.  Tamworth is about a six-hour drive northwest of Sydney.  We left Friday afternoon after Barbara had finished her day at the Op Shop and stayed in a comfortable and quiet motel in Singleton.

Saturday, around 7 am we continued on our way.  The sun was shining, frost was in the valleys with mist arising.  It was idyllic.  We drove using cruise control, not having to overtake anyone and only slowing for towns.  Breakfast at McDonalds in Muswellbrook we were in serious discussion until we saw a woman sit down at a nearby table, the right front chair leg failed and she slid gracefully to the floor.  The coffee spilled but she managed to stay clear of that.  I handed the faulty chair to a McDonalds staff member.  Two staff members came over with their incident report book.  Meanwhile, the woman (who was rather heavy) moved to another table, asked for a replacement coffee and immediately tucked into her food.  The incident made us wonder about the need for stronger furniture as we live in a society that is getting more and more overweight.

Our drive on to Tamworth continued in the idyllic vane.  The sun shone; the sheep, cattle and horses grazed; the mountains and fields were bathed in warm sunlight.  The cruise control was on, only slowing for townships.  We did not need to overtake any vehicles and no traffic interfered with us.  We both wanted to drive on and tour NSW, stopping when and where we wanted.  We enjoyed this drive in paradise and hope to take a freewheeling driving tour in NSW during 2012.

Staying with Our Hosts

In Tamworth we stayed with our friends Alison and John.  Barbara met them and attended a Bible study at their place when she first migrated to Australia in 1972.  Their home overlooks the highway north of Tamworth.  The home nestles into the hill with eye-pleasing views up and down the valley below.  The weather was balmy and warm during the day and cool and crisp at night.  We enjoyed many serious conversations.  Every morning, John fed the family of magpies that live in the trees near the house.  Their dog Digger turned up for a rub each time we emerged from the house.
Alison & John at Calala Cottage,
a community run historic site

John feeding the magpies

Visiting friends and relatives

We visited with my cousin Keith and Gloria, friends Juanita, Paul and their children, my relatives Sue and John and our old Glebe Uniting Church friend, Ruth and family.  It was good to catch up for the second time this year.  In February, we did not know about my cancer situation.  So, it was a changed situation on these visits.
With Ruth at Inspirations where we lunched

Wednesday we drove back to Sydney via the Putty Road (which runs from Singleton to Windsor in north-west Sydney).  Barbara used to drive this way to Sydney when she lived in Tamworth in 1972 and 1973 and after she moved to Sydney and visited Tamworth.  The expressway to Newcastle was only partially built then and it was usually quicker to use the Putty Road.  Nowadays the Putty Road has been improved and has little traffic.  The road winds and meanders through hilly countryside and valleys with farms.  So, it was a very pleasant journey home.

Back home

Back home, Thursday and Friday I have been catching up with business matters and relaxing in the sun on our unbelievably balmy, sunny and warm winter weather.  Friday I enjoyed coffee with our neighbour Graeme, did some shopping and Friday night Barbara and I went to ESFNG small group for dinner.

Saturday, I went for an early morning walk and enjoyed eggs Benedict while solving Daily Telegraph puzzles at a nearby café.  Back home we did some outside work.  We trimmed the bougainvillea plant that grows on the wall of our neighbour on the southern side of our backyard.  We also inserted more wall studs and wire to allow the bougainvillea to cover the higher part of the wall.  The last outside job was climbing up on to our roof to clear out the gutters and kill off a plant growing out of the top of the wall at the front of the house.  This has been my most physically active day since I demolished the wall on one of our side gardens about four months ago.  That job is still to be completed.

Sunday I hope to do some more outside work, weather and body permitting and in the afternoon do cryptic crossword training with Carolyn.  So, it has been a good time between chemo rounds and I am feeling well, relaxed and positive.

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