31 March 2011

This Week (March 29 to April 3)

Monday – our third oldest's birthday celebrated by some family and friends with spicy seafood and raspberry sorbet topped with coconut meringue.

Tuesday – 8.00 am at a Chemotherapy Education class at the Sydney Cancer Centre – 10.30 am meeting with our accountant Andrew to discuss our financial affairs and actions to take – 12.00 noon lunch with our neighbours Joy and Graeme at Bellevue House down on the harbour at Glebe Point.

Wednesday – Pam and Allan coming to breakfast and my going to an annual dinner at Selah’s Restaurant in the city where I gather with Louise, Cameron, Graham and Marcus – we were on a taskforce together for many years for the Analysing Financial Statements subject that I wrote for the old Securities Institute (and is now offered as a short course by Kaplan Professional).

Thursday – lunch at Katharine and Phil’s at their lovely Glebe Point home.

Friday – Will taking me to Concord Hospital for the port-o-cath to be inserted.

Saturday – visiting close friends in Bathurst.

Sunday – friends dropping in at different times during the afternoon.

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