03 October 2015

Enjoying New Zealand

The view from our one bedroom motel apartment
as I write this blog entry in Timaru, New Zealand.

Monday 28 September, Barbara and I met with Dr Blossom, a registrar and Dr Kate Mahon, my oncologist.  The blood test showed that my liver cancer markers continue to improve towards normal while the kidney marker is a bit high but OK.  Thus, I could have my three days of chemo despite having an infection for which I was taking antibiotics.  Dr Kate is very supportive of me going to Uganda, so I finalised my Uganda travel plans for late October/early November.

It is encouraging to have a continuing good health assessment.  I had been feeling down for over a week due to the infection.  Prior to then I enjoyed over two weeks feeling the most normal I have for months.

Last week we spent three days in Canberra visiting our youngest son and his wife.  They were the ones who sent me a Canberra doctor when I was feeling unwell.  This week we are in the South Island of New Zealand.  We arrived in Christchurch on Friday and spent the late afternoon in the city centre looking at the huge effect of the earthquake, the amazing amount of rebuilding and enjoying the friendly nature of those resilient New Zealanders.  Today we have travelled on south to Timaru, the town where my father grew up in the early 20th century.  Tomorrow we will be visiting the local museum archives to see what we can learn about his family.  In a few days we will be meeting up with our oldest son and his family for a week at Lake Wanaka.

Enjoy these Canberra Arboretum and Christchurch and Timaru photos.

Canberra Arboretum Photos
(7 photos)

Gum nut playground equipment at Village Centre

Inside the Village Centre building

On of dozens of fantastic bonsai trees on display at the Village Centre

Barbara and David in the playground at the Village Centre

Panoramic view from Dairy Farmers Hill

With my youngest at the Wide Brown Land sculpture at the Cedars Forest

Barbara lazing on the Wide Brown Land sculpture

Christchurch, New Zealand
(7 photos)

About to begin our walk in the city centre

Spring blossoms

Anglican Cathedral earthquake distraction

Christchurch Transitional Cathedral - new building at another church
site where the old buildings had been severely damaged and replaced

Floating sculpture in a park across road from transitional cathedral

Christchurch citizens enjoying food at the Farmers' Market

Timaru, New Zealand
(15 photos)

View over Caroline Bay from our motel for the next two nights

Does this 'people comment' resonate with you?

The house where my Uncle Ivo (my Dad's brother) and Aunty Myrtle
lived for most of their married lives

A view from the western point of Timaru Harbour

View along the coast south of Timaru Harbour

Pylons of an old pier

View of the coastal walk, south of Timaru Harboour

Sculpture in Centennial Park

Some of the many daffodils a blooming in New Zealand

Still smiling after nearly 40 years of marriage

At lookout at northern end of Caroline Bay Beach
one of New Zealand's 10 favourite beaches

Wedding photos being taken on Caroline Bay Beach

On the rocks down on Caroline Bay Beach

Light house used from 1878 to 1970 at Timaru Port, now moved to
northern end of Caroline Bay

Panorama from lighthouse around to Caroline Bay Beach

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