13 August 2015

Stent Inserted

Wednesday 12 August, Barbara and I arrived 7.00am at Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital.  We were asked to arrive this early in case Dr Arthur Vasilaras first two-hour operation did not occur.  We stayed in the waiting room until 10.30 am when I was called for the operation.

First I went to the changing area where Barbara had to say goodbye.  Next it was to the bed area where I climbed into a narrow bed that was too short for me.  Then I was wheeled to the anteroom at operating theatre no. 10.  Veronica the anaesthetist and Dr Vasilaras talked with me.  I said to Veronica that I would like to walk home, which she advised against.  Dr Vasilaras went over the plan for the 26cm/10 inch stent insertion between my left kidney and bladder.

Next moment, it seemed, I was waking up from the general anaesthetic in the recovery area.  I felt OK.  I noticed a clock showing 11.30am.  Soon I was wheeled back to the recovery section of the admissions area.  My clothes bag was delivered and I searched through for the Daily Telegraph, pen and glasses and resumed doing the crosswords.  I enjoyed an apple juice and cheese sandwich.

By noon I was awaiting Barbara who soon arrived.  The discharge procedure over we left.  I said I wanted to walk home.  We stopped at a café for a much needed vegetarian lunch.  We were home by 1.00 pm or so.  I had kept my record of walking home after all procedures involving an anaesthetic that I have had since 2013.  Unfortunately, it was during the five days a week, five weeks radiation that I needed to drive because I could not walk the distance without visiting a toilet.

Now back at home I have been drinking many glasses of water to flush out my system.  Sometimes there is a little pain going to the toilet and today I have felt some pain in my left kidney.  I have been going to the toilet every two hours or less, including during last night.  I am hoping this will all settle down by tonight.

I have a few things to do regarding medical appointments:
  • arranging to see Dr Vasilaras in about six weeks for a consultation and for the first replacement of the stent in about six months from now
  • delivering a letter from the hospital to the GP (general practitioner practice) that I use
  • arranging an appointment at the GP practice and seeking a referral to a heart specialist to follow up on the concerns with my ECG – this additional issue has certainly annoyed me
  • on Monday 17 August beginning chemotherapy 3 days every two weeks for the next six months – this is the key medical need I have as the growing cancer in the liver needs to be attacked

I am taking antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection following the stent insertion.  I feel a bit like a pincushion at the moment due to all the medical appointments Barbara and I have attended since I returned from Uganda two weeks ago today.  Now I have six months of regular needle prodding to look forward too – ha, ha!

Thank you for your kind messages over recent times. 

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