28 June 2012

Cancer Remains Dormant

Barbara and I landed in Sydney on our Qantas QF12 Airbus A380 (fabulous plane) from Los Angeles at 6.30 am, Tuesday June 26.  Within fifteen minutes we had deplaned, passed immigration and customs and met Alison.  Al brought the liquid I had to drink between one hour and half an hour before my CT Scan.  So, I drank it from 7 am to 7.30 am on our way to and at home.  7.45 am I walked from home to my 8.00 am appointment for the CT Scan, returning home by 8.30 am.  Amazing how much can be fitted into such a short time frame when you live close to the airport and the medical centre.

Tuesday morning was meant to be simpler as we were due home on Monday morning.  However, a severe storm in New York City on Friday night meant that we arrived Saturday morning at Buffalo Airport to find our flight cancelled   We were rescheduled to Sunday morning.  We spent a lazy and comfortable Saturday in a motel across the road from the airport.

Wednesday morning I went to the Royal Prince Albert Hospital for my blood test, bumping into a couple of the chemotherapy suite nurses who greeted me like a long lost friend. Early in the afternoon Alison and I met with my oncologist, Dr Lisa Horvath.  She gave us good news.  The CT scan showed that one liver lesion grew 2 millimetres and another shrank 2 mm – the cancer had remained stable even with no maintenance chemo for the last seven weeks.  My blood test showed everything is working well.  Lisa was happy for me to continue without chemotherapy – whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will have another blood test on Monday 30 July and see Lisa.  She expects to take another CT Scan in about three months.  If the cancer continues to remain stable, I can continue without chemotherapy.  Lisa told me to keep up the busy lifestyle and travel schedule, which I will happily do.

Naturally, I, and all the Heyco’s, are thrilled that the cancer remains dormant.

I continue to have annoying side effects from the chemo being weaker fingernails that break, slight numbness in my fingers and toes, and bumpy skin on my forehead.  But this is a small price to pay for being alive with the quality of life I am enjoying.

Today, a friend emailed me to say I had been on his mind for the last few days and he had been praying for me.  He checked my last blog entry and realised we were due home from our US five week holiday.  It is fantastic to have caring friends and family who are wishing me well and praying.  Thank you all.

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